Friday, October 10, 2008

Some random thoughts running through my mind... it's kinda late at night right now.  I just got home from running some errands down in the valley.  Nothing too exciting, I know.  But, it was good to get away from work for a bit and think about other things going on in my life.  Work this week has been crazy!  We've had so much to do!  It's been hard because there's so much expected of us and we can't handle everything that we've been given.  We're already shorthanded as it is, and so to have so much more asked of us is difficult.  I think, however, that we've all braved the storm rather well.  Sure, it's been stressful and busy.  But, we've made it through thus far!  We've had several groups come and go already this week and we have another big turnaround tomorrow.  I don't know how we'll do it all, but we'll get it done!  I just hope our guests are patient with us as we'll be stretched to our limits in getting everything ready for them!

There's no new updates in my social life.  I'm a workaholic, and so I don't have much energy to devote to my social life just yet.  I could divert some of the energy I put into work into developing that social life.  I just haven't found a really good excuse to divert my energy from working to dating (although that can change VERY quickly).  I've got a date planned for this weekend, so that'll be fun.  I'm beginning to get the impression that this girl likes me.  That's a thought I doubted up until Tuesday night.  I now feel like she has some interest in getting to know me better and continue to go on dates with me.  I certainly would love to take her out on more dates.  She is a blast to be around!  We'll see how it all works out in the end, though!  As far as friends go, I haven't spent much time with them lately.  I've thrown so much of my efforts into work that very little energy is left for others.  I hope that will change very shortly as well!  All work and no play leads to a boring, unfulfilled life!  And also misery!  I need fun, so I'd better learn quickly to find ways to balance play and work together!  Otherwise, life won't be as fun!

So, I applied to a job this week.  It's for a recreation manager position up in South Jordan.  I would be SO stoked to get that job if they offer me the position.  The application period closed today.  I was told they'd begin calling people within the week.  The week ends tomorrow, so I hope I get a call from them!  It would be sweet to work for them!  At least, I think so.  I haven't heard much about the job other than what is posted on the website.  It pays pretty well, especially for a recent college grad.  I'm not 100% sure I have all the qualifications necessary for the job, but I'm, sure hoping I do!  If I did get the job, I couldn't start until January 1.  Hopefully they could hold the job for me until then.  It's only 2 1/2 months.  That's not that long!  If I did get the job, that would require me to find an apartment/condo and move out of the place where I'm at now.  That could be a difficulty, but it's one I would look forward to.  Getting a full-time, permanent job is my hope at the moment.  But with the economy the way it is, it may be harder than I originally planned to secure such a job.  But, here's hoping!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

wow, ag sounds really wild tyler, hopefully you can balance everything though! If you're ever in the valley and don't want to go back up to ag yet, come stop by my apt! I'm glad you're getting your dating on, and i'm rooting for you getting that job! keep me posted!